Downtown Vancouver Aikikai is pleased to host its first beginners seminar. This seminar will introduce students to tanto and bokken in aikido.

Tony Hind Sensei 6th dan, Techinical Director of the Canadian Aikido Association, Chief Instructor of East Van Aikikai and Downtown Vancouver Aikikai. Tony Sensei will introduce beginners to the tanto (wooden knife). For more information about Tony Hind Sensei, you can find his bio here.

Joel Posluns Shihan 7th dan, member of the USAF technical committee and Chief Instructor of North Vancouver Aikikai. Joel Sensei will be introducing beginners to the bokken (wooden sword) and how it relates to open hand techniques in aikido. For more information on Joel Posluns Shihan, you can find his bio here.

All profits will be donated to the James Paul Martin Memorial Fund, the Canadian Aikido Association’s official charitable fund.

Paul Martin Sensei, a previous president of the BC Aikido Federation and a senior member of the British Columbian and Canadian Aikido community, passed away August 25, 2012. Paul greatly influenced many students. To honor his memory, the Canadian Aikido Association, with the blessing and support of Paul’s family and close friends, established The James Paul Martin Memorial Fund. All money raised for the fund are used to support art therapy programs for youth; something that was close to Paul’s heart.

If you would like to contribute, please email the Paul Martin Memorial Fund